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The Last of Us is the 25th episode of the comedy web series Honest Game Trailers. It was written by Spencer Gilbert, Matt Sohinki, Joshua Ovenshire, David Moss, Matt Raub, Michael Adams Davis and Michael Schroeder. It was narrated by Jon Bailey as Epic Voice Guy. It parodies the role-playing games The Last of Us. It was published on December 9, 2014. The Last of Us was originally published on Smosh Games, but is currently available on Fandom Games. It has been viewed over 6 million times.

Watch Honest Game Trailers - The Last of Us on YouTube

"The game critics tripped over themselves to shower with praise and was a near unanimous choice for game of the year." ~ Honest Game Trailers - The Last of Us


From the studio that for some reason isn't working on a next gen Jak and Daxter [Naughty Dog], comes a PlayStation exclusive so bleak, it makes Killzone look like Kingdom Hearts.

The Last of Us

Experience the game critics tripped over themselves to shower with praise and was a near unanimous choice for game of the year. But... They're actually kinda right? The game is amazing! What?! I gotta be honest!

Experience yet another take on the zombie-apocalypse. But instead of ancient curses or chemical warfare gone wrong, this time it's a really bad case of allergies. Now... the only one who's immune is Ellie, a teenage girl with the face of Ellen Page and the mouth of a salty truck driver [Montage of Ellie swearing]. Play as Ellie and her protector, Joel, a guy in his late 40's with a mysterious past and a mean case of old-man strength. Follow along on their father-sort-of-daughter road trip through a beautiful world of linear corridors and strategic cover. Where you'll encounter horrific sights along the way like torture [Joel: "I ain't got time for this." (shoots someone)], suicide [someone kills himself], Pittsburgh, dead children, more torture, more dead children, and the ultimate horror of leaving your best friend hanging [Ellie: "Really? Just gonna leave me hanging?" {Continues talking)]. What is wrong with you, you monster?!

Face enemy AI that hunts Joel down relentlessly while completely ignoring Ellie. And make your way through the apocalypse with hardcore survival tactics like super listening to things, prison quality arts and crafts, and pinpoint brick chucking. [Earns the Home Alone 2 trophy!]. Test yourself in an unforgiving multiplayer mode where you die in two or three shots, a crafting system that has you explore every corner of the game world for supplies, and the biggest challenge in gaming history: keeping it together during the giraffe scene [Ellie: "Hey there." (She pets the giraffe)]. Fight the feels! [Ellie: "So f***ing cool."] Fight them! [Earns "Don't Cry" trophy].

So play through an epic title from your PlayStation 3 or 4 console. And if you're too poor to afford one of those, wait patiently for its release on PC and Xbox. Any day now... Any day... [Earns "Wishful Thinking" trophy]. Awwww!

Starring: Juno Everdeen [Ellie]; Old Nathan Drake [Joel], and A Really Bad Yeast Infection [Infected host].

Left 4 Dead

Come on, guys! I can't be the only one who murdered all the helpless doctors in the surgery room at the end, right? You all did that too, right? TELL ME I'M A GOOD PERSON! [Earns "Horrible Person" trophy].

Production credits

Honest game trailer the last of us

Video thumbnail for Honest Game Trailers - The Last of Us.

Executive Producers: Andy Signore and Smosh

Directed by Spencer Gilbert

Episode Written by Spencer Gilbert, Matt Sohinki, Joshua Ovenshire, David Moss, Matt Raub, Michael Adams Davis, and Michael Schroeder

Edited by Spencer Agnew

Voiceover Narration byJon Bailey

External links
